Mica is a mineral mined from only a few locations across the world. Considered to be one of the most complex minerals to be mined, it does not contain any stable deposition formation.
Open Cast method: Also known by the name, pit method, this method works in the same way as mining of other minerals do. The only difference lies in the way of extraction. While carrying out this method, one should be extra careful to prevent any damage.
Underground Deep Shaft method: This method involves driving of a main shaft via pregmatites at an angle allowing access to the crystals of Mica with the help of explosives or drills.
Mining involves high level of care and responsibility complying with all the environmental, safety, health and social standards. Indian and state government both have stringent mining policies that are to be implemented across all mining businesses under the Mines and Minerals Act of 1957.
The company performs its mining operations under a separate entity known as Bhudolia Mica Mining Pvt. Ltd.
Environmental Conservation
Indirect and direct practices of mining have a major impact on our environment that can take place not only at local level but global. These practices may lead to formation of holes, loss of species and soil erosion. In mining sector, social and environmental assessments were favorably resented in earlier times. But, today, the mining process is highly responsible, thoughtful and accurate regarding the environment. By combining scientific knowledge and state-of-the-art technology for predicting, planning and preventing the unfavorable impacts on the environment.
Child Labor
The businesses and products related to Mica have been in news for illegal Mica mining and child labor. Therefore, we, as a responsible company and citizens of this country, strictly follow all the guidelines to manage the child labor policies. No candidate under the age of 16 is allowed to work at our company.
Research and Development
The major areas that cover our research include:
- Mine safety
- Mining methods
- Mine parts
- Mine reclamation
- Mine environment studies
Backed by our state-of-the-art technology and R&D, we have been seeing notable advances in the Mica mining industry.
M.P. MICA has become a reputed name in the industry to improve quantum of R&D work that is needed for addressing the complexity of business activities of Mica Industry. These efforts also help the research agencies. Moreover, we strive for reducing cost, keep safety for workers and ensure quality betterment.